Thursday, September 8, 2011

When words don't suffice

I realize it's been a wee bit since my last posting, in which I'd promised more on my trip to Ireland and Germany.  Well, that trip has come and gone, leaving me with good memories and a camera full of pictures.  Since I do have photographic proof of said journey, I think I'll allow the picture to speak the thousand words I might have said otherwise.  So, from the beginning, though not comprehensive, here is a visual run-through of my last few weeks.  Enjoy!

Grafton Street, Dublin City, Ireland.  Where U2 was discovered.

Dublin Castle and Cathedral.  Built a long time ago.

The infamous Temple Bar.  I know, overdone and touristy, but I thought I'd better throw this in just to prove I was a good tourist.  Never actually went there, just took pictures.

St. Patricks Cathedral.  Taken just after he'd kicked all the snakes out.

Blarney Castle.  "Blarney: Talk that aims to charm, pleasantly flatter, or persuade"

Kissing the Blarney Stone.  Awkward picture, I know.  It's said that kissing the Blarney Stone will provide one with a lifetime of eloquence.  We'll see what happens.

Galway, Ireland.  One of the more picturesque cities I've been to.  Beautiful canals run throughout its western portions.

A university in Galway, modeled after Oxford University.

My traveling companions Stefan (also my host in Munich), and Brenda at a Foo Fighters concert at Chiemsee Rocks Festival.

Our sleeping arrangements following the concert.  In the background you see Lake Chiemsee.  Funny enough, we thought we were sleeping in an abandoned shack, which turned out to be an eating pavilion for a very touristy restaurant.  Got out just before they opened :)

What a great sight to wake up to though!  Lake Chiemsee, about an hour from Munich.

Incinerators, Dachau Concentration Camp.  Pretty surreal touring the first established and longest running concentration camp of the Third Reich.  It's much different than reading online or in a book, actually walking the same soil and hallways of those who suffered under the oppression of the Nazis.  "May the example of those who were exterminated here between 1933 - 1945 because they resisted Nazism help to unite the living for the defense of peace and freedom and in respect for their fellow men." (memorial post at Dachau)

Some old government building in Munich.  I love the testosterone that flows from the statues on nearly everything in Munich.

Nuremberg, Germany.  Somewhat typical style buildings.

View of Nuremberg from the Castle tower.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the visual rundown of my trip.  You may be saying, "Dan, I know you went to Berlin as well....where are those pictures?"  Well, for all of my most likely imaginary questioners, I got lazy in the picture taking and decided not to photograph Berlin.  No worries though, I did sneak a piece of the Berlin wall as my keepsake.  I never leave empty handed.  Berlin is all about the history either way, a city where the thousand words may actually be better than the picture.