Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Things I never thought I'd like

Some days I sit back and think about things.  Things that I like.  Things that I dislike.  Things that I'll never like.  Yesterday was one of those days, and in the process of doing said activity, I began to realize something new.  I really like certain things that I used to really dislike.  Example: wearing clothes.  Ever since I can remember, I always loathed the restriction of clothing.  Even as a kid, my mom says I would rid myself of the encumbrance of clothing.  Now, I like clothes.  Or at least I recognize the necessity of them.  But this isn't about clothing, it's about running.

As of two months ago, I really just couldn't grasp the idea of running for fun.  A) running isn't fun.  B) it's semi-pointless.  Now for those who know me, you'll know that I'm a fan of exercise in general, but running?  seriously?  Couldn't I do the same thing only with a ball and a basket and a bunch of other people and a reason behind said activity?  We could call it basketball.  And basketball would be a two-fold experience; fun and healthy.

How narrow-minded right?

A good friend of mine runs regularly and he got me to thinking, "Okay, why don't I just try running to see what happens?"  I'm up for trying pretty much anything else in life, why not running?  So I started slowly.  1 mile.  2 miles.  2.1 miles.  (yeah, pretty slow start) Over the course of a few months life began to change for me.  I know that seems over-dramatic, which it is, but it's also got a hint of truth to it.  I started realizing that ones body can actually withstand the physical beating of a 7,8,9 mile run.  In fact, it almost likes it.  My body has begun to respond with a series of grateful gestures, such as my heart rate has dropped, I sleep better, I feel more rested, a short jog from my car to the office in the rain doesn't leave me winded.  Weird.  Besides the mere physics of the exercise, there's also been a mental benefit.  That hour on the road gives me time to think, time to reflect, time to pray, time to consider who I am and what I'm doing in life.  In pushing ones body to it's limits the mind is then trained to progress, fight, strive for more as you realize that the mind is stronger than the body.  You truly can withstand more than you've ever believed, both physically and mentally.  You can move internationally, take that new job, fight that disease, give of yourself to help that other person.  I'm starting to sound like a self-help book here, so I'd better slow down.  Let's just say, I've nearly been converted.

Now that I've ranted on running, here's my list of things I now like that I used to dislike:

1.  The word "moist"
2.  Sauerkraut
3.  Mustard
4.  Wearing clothes (as mentioned)
5.  Soccer

Heres my list of things I used to like that I now dislike:

1.  Inline-skating
2.  The cold
4.  Sneezing
5.  Boating

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